Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Back to Blogging

Welcome back from East Asia. At least that's what you should be saying to me. No, I didn't go on any Asian dates, although an old guy with no teeth trapped me on a bus and breathed in my face for 30 minutes telling me how beautiful I was. Somehow I wasn't flattered. I just felt awkward. But rest assured, one of the valiant young men I was with attempted to come to my rescue but the old guy persisted until his bus stop. Then he snapped a picture with cell phone and walked away. My image is forever captured and roaming the streets of East Asia making some creeper's otherwise dull day a little brighter. What can I say, I do what I can.

Tonight, my friends and I had to go to a game night outreach for Campus Crusade. Students are back and classes are in full swing, which means my life is consumed with smiling faces and heart felt conversations with girls in their dorm rooms. Do I sound bitter? Because I shouldn't. I actually like what I'm doing this year. But that's for another time and another place. You are not here to hear stories about ministry. You are here to slurp up the juicy gossip of my nearly non-existant dating life.

I picked up my friends Alan and Laurie to go to the game night. You might remember Alan from post #2 where I appropriately dubbed him my Personal PR Person. I am now adorning him with the title of Professional Dating and Relationship Advisor.

As the three of us pulled out of the parking lot of BreakTime (I had to stop and get gas), I glanced to my left and saw an attractive man in work attire motioning to me. I didn't notice his resplendent physical features at first because I was a little creeped out. I think I just stared at him for a minute as he mouthed words and pointed to the back of my car.

Did I leave my gas tank open? I wondered.

I looked at Laurie and everything seemed to be in slow motion while I figured out what this guy was saying to me.

Oh! I thought, as he put his hand in a fist and began rotating his arm like he was cranking up a jack-in-the box. Roll down your window!

So, I did. And we both laughed.

"You have a tail light out," he said.

"What? Oh..." my face proved my disappointment.

"Yea, its on the other side. On the passenger side."

"Well, that sucks. Thanks though," I said with heartfelt remorse. "Bye!" And I rolled my window back up.

"Well, that stinks," I said to my cohorts.

"Rachel," Alan said. "You should have asked him for his number. Is he married?"

"I don't know I couldn't tell."

"Those are the type of movie moments you need to take advantage of. Roll your window back down and ask him to help you."

Then we brainstormed a few seductive scenarios for such a conversations, but stopped after "well, you can light me up!" I was afraid of where the "tail" light reference would go.

Clearly nothing juicy happened, but I got a good laugh and my wheels began turning. Why shouldn't movie moments happen in real life? Yesterday, I was making my lunch and realized I needed a can opener. I considered running next door for a moment and asking the cutie from Illinois if I could borrow his. But I chickened out and walked to the next building to borrow Laurie's.

"Those are the type of movie moment's you need to take advantage of. You gotta put yourself out there a little bit."

Because that's when things get interesting. So, I'm committing to it right now, the next time I need a can opener, I'm marching myself next door and asking the neighbor. Call me juvenile for making such a claim on the Internet, but you gotta ask yourself: would you have the guts to do it?

Until then, its back to blogging....and I can't decide if it feels good to be back or not. I'll try to up the ante on the humor next time. Have a good night!