Sunday, February 21, 2010


5 reasons Why You Want to Learn How to Pick Up a Stripper to Improve Your Dating Game

Step 1: Click the above link
Step 2: Read the article
Step 3: Join me in being pissed off at this Bonsai Dating Coach guy.

I mean, seriously? Seriously? He has got to be joking.

Unfortunately, he's not. If you read far enough, you will see a number of comments from other assholes who actually gave his crappy advice a shot.

"Don't give up!" says Mr. Asian Dating Man. "Anyone can be good with women. It just takes practice."

Well, you know what I think--if you have to learn how to act around women by going to a strip club, then you're screwed. First of all, strippers can read you a lot better than that. They're not dumb. They're just using you to make money; so all your little tricks to get them to think you are interested most likely won't work.

Second of all, you'd be lying. You're not interested in them for anything other than their looks so basically all your doing is teaching yourself to be a prevaricator. And you're probably not even smart enough to figure out what that is (of course neither was I until I used my handy dandy thesaurus...but that's beside the point).

Likewise, I can only imagine the sort of pride and arrogance that accompanies successfully screwing a stripper, and that type of attitude is generally not attractive. What are you going to do? Approach the cute girl at the bar next weekend and impress her by telling her that not only did you go to a strip club, but you made friends with the stripper and now you two are besties? Yea....that'll win her over. NOT! If I were her, I'd throw my drink in your face.

The worst part about this little blogger is that he has over a thousand followers. That's a thousand (times at least ten because they probably discuss this crap with all their friends) men who are being brain washed to believe that this is what women want. And the reality is, they will probably land some crazy girl whose too insecure to say "no" to a fabricating jerk who not convinces her that not only is she the prettiest girl he's ever seen, but also the smartest.

Oh's articles like this that only make a girl like me more critical. Thankfully, I've somehow managed to find myself in the company of a few good men who can counteract this sort of thinking and that there are actually nice guys out there. I'm too mad to think of something worth writing. Good night!


  1. Don't playa hate... Appreciate. Dude it works. Changed my life. :p

  2. I don't think we can be friends anymore = )
