Thursday, March 4, 2010


I have a date I have a date I have a date = )

Can you tell I'm a little excited? Is it weird that I'm so excited? Maybe I'm too excited.

I got home tonight and ran in the house to tell my roommate news. However, her "enthusiasm" left me wanting. I wanted her to jump up and down giggling with me, but all she did was sit on the couch with her sister and say, "Good!"

Ugh. Whatever. Thankfully I do have other friends who know how to love and how to be happy for someone other than themselves. Not that Isa is totally consumed with herself, I just expected her to be more excited.

ANYWAY.......I freakin' have a date!

It happened after Cru tonight. I was walking out of the weekly meeting when he (I haven't thought of a code name yet. i guess I could use his real name. He used to read this blog, but I changed the url so he couldn't see it anymore. sneaky? maybe not) followed me out the door and said, "Hey Rachel."

About the same time, my friend Dana hit me on the arm. I looked at her, then looked at him. In my mind I uttered a feeble "Uuuuuuummmmmmmmmmm...." Then walked over to Dana.

"Hey!" I said and gave her a hug. "How are you?"

I don't really remember what she said. I feel kind of bad because I half way ignored her knowing that "he" was standing right behind me, waiting to talk about something.

I had a feeling he was about to ask me out. On Monday I had gone to Kaldis to work on my prayer letter and prepare for this week's Bible Study. "He" walked in to say hi to a friend then sat down at my table to chat (btw...its really awkward saying "he" all the time).

We talked for an hour. Chatted about this and that. A lot to do with ministry and what we're planning to do next year and blah blah blah blah blah.

"So do you have any big plans for the weekend?" he asked.

"Yea. Saturday we have fellowship dinner and my parents are coming into town for that."

"Oh ok. So are they coming in just for that on Saturday or will they be here on Friday too?"

"Yea," I responded, "they'll be here Friday."

"So on Friday night you're hanging out with your parents and Saturday night you'll be at fellowship dinner?"

What's with all the clarifying?

"Yep." I said. "What are you doing?"


"Oh, I don't know. I don't really have any plans, but I hope to be outside since its going to be so nice."

Another pause.

I wonder if he was going to ask me out on a date?

We continued talking for a while longer then his sister called and he left to go meet her.

So I'm standing in the hallway after Cru. I turn my back on Dana and look at him who has been patiently enduring the awkwardness.

"So what's up?" I ask.

Chris and Eric are a few feet away on my left. Katie is on my right, talking to some friends and waiting for me to take her to her car.

"Well," he said. "I was just wondering if you had any plans for next Saturday night?"

I knew it!

"Nope," I answered. "Not as of yet."

Not as of yet? Who talks like that?

"Cool." he said. "Well I was wondering if you would let me take you out. Ya know, maybe go to dinner or something."

He was very intentional with his words and with his eye contact.

"Umm...yea! That would be really fun!"

"Cool," he said. "So next Saturday night?"

"Yea! I'll see if I can pencil you in."

Pencil you in? That's exactly what I made fun of Jim for saying. ewe. Why am I so weird.

I don't exactly remember what his response was. My brain sort of went into over drive as I anylyzed everything around me.

I hope Chris and Eric didn't hear what just happened. Oh my gosh! What will Elizabeth think? Do you think anyone is listening. Oh crap. What are we going to do? Am I actually excited about this date?

"Well," his voice interupted my thoughts, "I already talked to Caleb and I thought we could go on sort of a double date with him and Maria. How does that sounds."

Wishing I would stop smiling so much I said, "Oh. You know I love MAria so that would be awesome." (and hopefully I didn't actually use the word awesome. I don't exactly remember).

"Alright then. Next Saturday it is."

"Yea! Thanks!"

"Well," I continued motioning towards Katie. "I guess I better get going and take this kid to her car."

"Alright. See ya!" he said.


And that was the end. I now have a date for next Saturday. My second date in 4-and-a-half years. Maybe now the posts will start showing up more frequently. Thanks for reading! I need to confess a little facebook stalking incident that happened prior to the ask out on date incident.

On Wednesday night I was up late working on stuff for our East Asia Summer Project. Naturally, my the internet signed on to facebook so I could browse around and innocently catch up on my friends' lives.

Maybe I purposefully searched for this persons profile and maybe I was reading his wall just to see who was writing on it, or maybe I accidently clicked on his picture in my newsfeed. Either way, I found myself reading a post by his friend Mike that said:

"dude. i bought some of that delicious fresh peppered turkey from Hyvee and I can't stop eating. Please save me."

Now, you should know that last semester, Isa introduced me to HyVee's fresh peppered turkey and it is delicious. By far the best deli turkey I have ever eaten, and I've eaten alot of turkey. My mind was so focused on the fact that someone else appreciated HyVee fresh peppered turkey as much as I did, that before I knew it, i was commenting on the post:

"maybe it's weird that I'm commenting on this, but my roommate introduced me to that turkey last semester and I think its my favorite turky ever."

Innocent enough right? Well, on Thursday afternoon I signed onto facebook again to see that "he" had replied to my comment.

"no. not weird at all....until I realized that you must have been facebook stalking me to read this."

"maybe I was," I responded. "or maybe I just saw it on my newsfeed. you can choose to believe whichever you want."

Unfortunately for me, he's choosing to believe I was stalking him (which actually is the truth), but it must have flattered him because that very night he asked me out = )

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