Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm officially an expert!

Well friends, I did it. I got a freelance writing my job (just one check off my list of things to do and risks to take in 2010). it out! The official launch is March 1st, and I, Rachel Henderson, will be your dating and relationships contributor.

"We would like you to post 3-4 articles per week," the editor said in a letter to all contributors. "The article topics are up to you. After all, you are the experts in your area..."

Expert! Ha! That's the funniest thing I've ever heard. I start a blog about dating, give a little advice here and there, and suddenly I'm an expert? I think my life should be turned into a romantic comedy...light on the romantic, heavy on the comedy.

But I'd like to say a quick thank-you to all you faithful friends and readers, for reminding me that despite my lack of skill in the dating arena, writing is one thing I can do well. That, and blogging a bunch of BS about the dos and don'ts of dating = )

Speaking of which, I'd like to take this time to repeal a few things I said about the one and only date I went on this semester. Yes, I know, I've already apologized for being too critical, but I just want everyone to know that "Jim" is actually a great guy and some girl will be lucky to have him one day.

No, LeeAllie, I am not falling for him. I just recognize that I was a little too harsh for the sake of entertainment. And while I don't think that Jim and I would actually ever hit it off, I'm glad that we are friends now.

There....that's the end of that. And being that nice felt a little weird.

I suppose I could continue on and give you some more of my expert advice on dating, but that seems a little out of place right now. I've got an entire article sitting in my back pocket, waiting to be revealed to the world, but that will be for another day.

For now, I suppose all I have to say is, get out there and take some risks. Go hangout with people--guys and girls. Don't put all the pressure on "finding" a date. Just do what you like and be who you are and the right person will come your way.

Oh....and one more friend Elizabeth would tell all you girls to make sure you're alluring. Just because you're not "on the prowl" (that's weird) and looking for someone doesn't mean someone isn't looking for you. So if you want to get a date, dress in a way that makes you feel confident.

Okay, that's about it for now. Oh yea...and the barista from the "eye flirting" article sold me a vanilla latte on Thursday and told me he liked my earrings. I don't know if he remembers me, but the whole looking alluring thing at least worked a little!

Hope you all a good weekend! And if you need advice on how to be alluring....I'm your girl = ) After all, i am an expert!


  1. So best part and what I think should be either your FB status or somewhere prominet "My life is a Romantic Comedy...light on the romantic, heavy on the comedy." Made me laugh! And i'd use it as my status one time but I think thats might be wierd for a guys status! Congratulations!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. YES! I love this post Rachel and you give some very good advice(hanging out and letting the right person find you)
