Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dating Dreams

I was chatting with my friend Josh on facebook last week, and I told him about my blog.

"I had a dream about dating the other night," he said. "Three dreams actually, in two nights!"

"Really?" I asked. "What were they?"

"In the first dream, I met a girl older than me. We exchanged numbers and it was essentially the starting block of a possible relationship.

"In the second dream, the girl was younger than me, but we were already in a relationship. She had star tattoos on her face and it was the first time she said I love you and I said it back.

"In the third dream, I was with a girl that I already knew and have always had a thing for. She kissed me, and that's all I can remember."

He then asked me if I knew what it could mean. After carefully studying the information presented to me, I proceeded to study the art of dream interpretation over the course of many sleepless nights. This is what I came up with:

All three girls are essentially the same person. They represent Josh' desire for a relationship and more specifically, his desire for the girl he's always had a thing for.

Girl #1 represents his confidence and boldness. He knows what he wants. She represents the stable, mature characteristics the Josh will bring to the relationship. However, as he gets closer to meeting Girl #3, his boldness turns to childlike innocence and perhaps a little fear, as represented in Girl #2, the younger girl. Maybe he feels like he's not good enough to have the girl he wants so he's settling for something less. Don't do it Josh Jack! Listen to your brain! Stop being a sissy and ask her out = )

Tattoos generally represent a long, hard journey from home. I know that Josh has already taken a long journey from his home in California to the great land of the South--Atlanta, Georgia. The fact that they are on her face is a little strange. Stars mean that Josh is leaving a big decision in the hands of fate. "Who will the future Mrs. Josh Jack be?"

The dream world is a mysterious realm where conscious and subconscious collide. It's where our brains try to make sense of this mixed up thing we call our life. Will you get what you want, Josh Jack? That, I cannot say. I cannot tell you if Girl #3 has fallen in love and that's why she's kissing you, or if she's merely saying goodbye. What I do know, is that you need to take a risk. Ask her out. Or at least ask someone out. Who knows, maybe your dream girl or some other sweet southern bell is just waiting for you to sweep her off her feet. But beware, if you don't ask someone out, you may end up with a tattooed freak like Dalmatian man:

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