Tuesday, October 20, 2009

When life gets mundane

I look forward to updating my blog every week until I actually sit down to write. In reality, I could probably find something to write about every day. It's interesting--when you focus on a topic, your entire life is suddenly consumed by it. I can't go a day without someone at least mentioning dating. Maybe it has always been that way, and I didn't notice because I had chosen to ignore that aspect of life.

I'm beginning to view dating a lot like I do writing--the more you do it, the better you get at it. On the other hand, when you choose to ignore it, opt out of it, remove it from your life, you get a little worse.

I can't really control how many dates I go on...I guess that's kind of up to the guys I meet. However, I can control how much I write, which is why I'm committing to updating this blog at least three times a week. I hope that gets all you readers out there excited because I know my life is incredibly important to you and you itch with anticipation at each day that passes without a new post.

Sorry for the mundane post, but until I find more time tonight or tomorrow, I leave you with a few things you can look forward to reading about:

1. How to tell your uber conservative parents that you're dating an African Muslim that's seven years older than you.

2. My expert interpretation of a good friend's relationship oriented dream

3. How to avoid making a fool of yourself when it comes to dating

4. And of course, what happens on my very first date (which the guy still hasn't called and told me when and where. Strike One to him!)

Also...there is a creepy bald man looking at pictures of posing women at the computer across from me. Does anyone else find this inappropriate for the public library?


  1. Looking forward to it!
    -Josh Jack

  2. i think you should ask a guy out...?

  3. that would definitly spice things up a bit = )
