Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"Just consider me your PR person..."

I'm sitting at Dunn Bros. Coffee talking to my friend Michelle. We're supposed to be working on our New Staff Development for Campus Crusade, but that rarely ever happens on a Tuesday morning, even when we meet at the office.

"Michelle," I say, leaning towards her. "Guess what!"

"What?" she asks, peering over the screen of her white Mac book. I glanced at Alan who is sitting beside her listening to his ipod and reading a book.

"I started a blog," I say.

"Really? What's this blog about?"

I look at Alan again, just to make sure he isn't listening.

"Well," I smile sheepishly, "it's about my venture into the dating world."

"Oh! That sounds interesting!" Michelle says. "I'm going to have to read this blog."

"It's really embarrassing and stupid. But you can get to it on my facebook page."

I start reading again while Michelle searches for my blog. I look up a few minutes later when I hear her laughing.

"This is really funny!" she says. "I want to comment on it. You're a good writer!"

"Thanks! That's really encouraging!" I notice that Alan has stopped reading. He's looking at Michelle's computer.

"What are you guys talking about?" he asks, removing his ear buds. I look at Michelle and purse my lips.

"Rachel has a blog," Michelle says.

"Oh? What is it?" he leans closer to Michelle's computer screen and reads, "Diving into Dating....hmmm..." He looks at me quizzically.

"Okay Alan, let me explain..."

And I brief him on my new desire to experience the "magic" of dating.

"Have you gone on any dates?" he asks.

"Well, that's the problem. I have nothing to blog about...yet."

"Okay," he says. "We can fix that..." and in one swift motion, he flips open his cell phone and begins typing. He's wearing a devious smirk that makes me nervous.

"Alan, what are you doing?"

"Nothing...are you opposed to dating people younger than you?"

"What? I don't know!"

Michelle is laughing. My brain is scrambling. What do I do? This is awkward. Alan is texting. Who is he texting. Stop texting!

I haven't given anyone the opportunity to set me up in over four years. If anyone even mentioned the idea of me dating one of their friends, I would immediately respond with some excuse about how I was too busy to date anyone; I had more important things to do.

But this time, I don't have an excuse. I don't have basketball practice every night, I'm not the editor of a magazine, I don't have to organize a hall program, and maybe I actually want him to text these people. Maybe...

Alan snaps his phone shut and walks to the bathroom.

"Michelle!" I say. "This is so awkward!"

"No!" she says. "This is good. I think you need someone advocating for you."

No I don't. Okay...yes I do. But I don't. Yea I do. I'm in conflict with myself, fighting my natural tendency to pull away and assuring myself I can do it on my own. I can meet people by myself, I don't need your help.

But the truth is....I do. And I need to stop being afraid of letting people help me.

"Don't worry about it," Alan says when returns from the restroom."I'm just puttin' a few feelers out there for ya."

I'm still hesitant.

"Just consider me your PR person."

And that's what I very own PR person. And I guess that's what happens when I inadvertantly ask someone for help--they help me, and I appreciate it.

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