Thursday, October 15, 2009

Call me a jerk if you must

I'm sitting on a couch beside two women that are quickly becoming my close friends, Maria and Michelle. Michelle and I had just finished watching Grey's Anatomy and Maria had come over to watch a movie. Laurie, Michelle's roommate, and her boyfriend Eric were putting away their dinner dishes and preparing to head out for the night.

"So," Michelle said. "Tell me the story! I need to know the details!"

"Oh my gosh," Maria laughed. "I still can't believe he asked you on a date."

"Who is it?" Michelle asked.

While I don't think I can post his name on this blog because too many people that know him read it, I can announce that I am, in fact, going on a date.

The circumstances of the date might surprise you, and I'm a little embarrassed that I said yes. I've known the guy for two years, although I would still consider us only acquaintances, and the thought of dating him has never crossed my mind. Nevertheless, like a good little boy, he listened when his Bible Study leader and my Personal PR Guy, Alan, texted him and told him he should think about asking me on a date.

"Are you only doing this because Alan told you too?" I asked him when he approached me (apparently that was the wrong thing to say because every friend that I have told had a negative reaction. Oh well. What can I say. I wanted to know!)

"Well," he said, "that's what gave me the idea at first. But then I thought about it some more and I really do want to take you out. It could be fun."

"Fun," I thought, "that's what I'm looking for. No pressure, friendly fun."

"Okay," I said. "I think I can do that."

I then clarified that it would just be a friend thing. I didn't want him to start the date off with the wrong impression--the impression that this might actually go somewhere. Maybe that is mean of me. Maybe I should give the guy a chance. But for now, I'm simpy seeing it as good practice. Call me a jerk if you want.

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