Monday, October 5, 2009

Oh Happy Day

Two weeks ago, I was riding my bike home on a Friday afternoon. I had just finished having coffee with a friend and talking to her about who Jesus Christ was, and I was in an incredibly good mood. It was the end of September and the weather was that perfect mix of hot and cold, indicating that the leaves were about to change colors. I was wearing a cute shirt-dress with black shorts underneath and smiling to myself about the great day I was having.

I slowed my bike at an intersection on Cherry Street, just in time for an attractive guy in a business-casual outfit to pass me on my left. I was wearing gold aviator sunglasses and took comfort in the fact that he couldn’t see me checking him out (especially since I looked like a dork wearing a helmet and riding a red and khaki cruiser). The light turned green, and I was about to peddle off when the guy did something unexpected: He looked my way, smiled, and gave me the chin raise. The chin raise! You know…the thing that guys do where they raise their eyebrows and tilt their head back in acknowledgment and approval! I got the chin raise! Me! A girl wearing a stupid helmet! A girl who hasn’t dated in over four years! Me! A girl whose been told on numerous occasions that guys don’t ask her out because she is intimidating! I got the chin raise!

And it gets better…

I continued down Cherry Street, basking in my new found confidence when I passed another man. He was a little less attractive, but no less intriguing. He was burly and had a red beard. He wore a t-shirt and jeans and had dark, intellectual glasses over his eyes. An apron was slung over his shoulder, and I concluded he worked at Shakespeare’s Pizza. He walked casually across the street and seemed to be content with his life.

My mind was still replaying the chin raise I had just received when the burly bearded man glanced at me and said, “Hello!” in a more than enthusiastic voice.

“Hi!” I shouted as I rolled by him, and a toothy smile stretched across my face. A chin raise and a hello?!?! Today must be my lucky day!

I arrived home about fifteen minutes later to find my roommate, Jessica, sitting in the living room reading a book.

“Jessica,” I said. “You will never guess what just happened to me!”

I proceeded to tell her about the satisfactory encounters that I had on my bike ride home.

“And after all that happened,” I said. “I realized…I really can get a date!”

Jessica laughed and assured me that I would be able to get a date. I feel a little silly for finding so much encouragement in two miniscule encounters. But when you soul goal in life used to be keeping men away, it’s encouraging to know that once you’re ready to let them back into your life, they are willing forgive your for former ostentation.

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